
Acquiring App Users is Expensive. Increase their LTV with Retention.

3 out of 4 people never use an app again after installing it. Track them using funnels & cohorts and bring them back.

Acquisition Cohorts

Acquisition Cohorts

You have made an exceptional app and you are constantly optimizing it for better experience but sometimes it’s hard to tell if peoeple are liking it. With Cohort Analysis, track the frequency with which users return to your app from their installation date. If the frequency is good, your optimization is working. If it is not, perhaps you should try different ways.


Behavioral Funnel

Funnels give you the analysis of how your users are behaving in your app as compared to your expectation. You choose a series of events that form a journey from start to conversion to track how many users get converted versus the number of users that did the first event. This helps you identify drop off points in your app and analyze the success rate so that you can target people at the right moment to improve conversions.

Behavioral Funnel
Behavioral Funnel

Benefits Ways in which Funnels & Cohorts can help you

Improved Value

Funnels & Cohorts help you retain users so that the cost of acquisition isn’t always a worry

Enhanced Retention

Track your users’ pain points & drop off areas and target them to improve loyalty

Conversion Funnel Optimization

Understand success rates better and launch campaigns to boost conversions

Track Best Conversion Path

Discover journeys that your users opt for to reach to the conversion events

Optimized UX

Better analysis of drop off points helps in optimizing the app for better user experience

Better User Acquisition

Replicate the attributes of most loyal and retained users in campaigns for relevant users